Tuesday, June 9, 2009

No good news

Just to update some people that might not know what is going on with me. I went in for my 5 day chemo treatment last Thursday. I have been having some discomfort in my throat so I order a scan turns out my throat is clear but the seen a shadow on my back I and my family was not ever expecting this they were 90 percent sure it was cancer again but it could have been a hemotobin. I was sent home Friday after my biopsy that went fine they figured if it is cancer again that there is no reason to keep doing the chemo treatments at this time. We were told that they would not know anything until Monday and that we would have a family and doctor meeting on Tuesday. This weekend was about spending time with my family and friends also with my church family. We talked about a lot but at the same time we don't know whats going on at all so we really couldn't decide anything until we find out the information. Today is Tuesday and we found out the news we were expecting but didn't want to hear it is a cancer tumor on my upper back it is not on my lungs its on the wall by my ribs on the right side. We did some other scans and now we are waiting to see if this spot is the only spot and then we have two options from there I am still unsure what I want to do but I know that I am going to fight just as hard as the first time and I'm not done fighting my battle and I am going 100 percent head first into this and beat the odds that are against me. Please continue to pray for me and my family as we need all we can get at this moment. I don't know when the next update will be as me and my family face this difficult time.


  1. Joe I want you to know that you are the strongest cat I know. I also want you to know that you sister, the boy's, and I will be here for you the whole way. Stay strong brother and keep powering through. I love you man.

    Your Brother,

  2. Joe- Even though today was really a bad day, I just want you to know what a truly good day it was! It was so nice to spend time as a family and enjoy some good quality time together in such a CRAPPY time:) Thank you for showing me around the "warehouse". You are so brave and strong and I just want you to know how blessed I am to have you in my life!
    Love, Darla

  3. Joe - We all love you so much more than you know. I believe in you and I know you can beat this thing. You have so much to live for. One day you and Holly will look back on this first year and say 'remember when'. You have so many people praying for you both.

    "Don’t let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God, and trust also in me." John 14:1

    i love you
    Aunt Cheryl

  4. Joey,
    We are all pulling for you. Everybody has sent their best wishes to you and your family.Stay strong and openminded. If there is anything you need let us know. You are the bravest and strongest man I know. We all have faith that you will pull through. Kick this diseases ass so we can get that "mustang" down the track----hint hint.LOL Stay in touch with us and let us know how you are doing.
    Butcher Family
