Tuesday, June 16, 2009

No real new yet

Since my last blog not much has changed I did a bone and PET scan and both were good excepted that one spot on my back. We found out I was accepted into the St. Jude's trial which is great news but we really have not got any information on this yet what we do know is I will go down for a 3 to 5 day stay the first time were I will get more test done and talk to the doctor if everything goes good I will then have the trial osteoscarma chemo which is for an hour but a 24 hour observation. Then come home and around July 14th have the tumor removed then 3 to 4 weeks after surgery will be flying back and forth to Tennessee every 2 weeks for a 1 day stay for I believe up to one year. I will still have my doctors here which is great and that's what I wanted so I get the best of both worlds right now and I pray that everything goes okay and stays good. Right now I call Stacy everyday to find out any information because waiting is the hardest part. Stacy told me that they are having a meeting with St. Jude's this week and we should know more information by the end of this week. This weekend was great Friday and Saturday we had a garage sale and I wanna thank everyone who came out and help and donated. Thank you!! Friday I had my second appointment with Hanger my leg doctor and it went great I got measured and then my next appointment will be a fitting. I cant wait to be able to walk without having so much pain. Sunday I went to church with my whole family and Holly's parents and our Pastor had us out to his house for a cookout we had a great time we also planted a tree that was for me in his yard that was so nice. I will keep you updated as news comes in. Please continue to pray for me and my family and also the kids on J5!!

And don't forget about the car wash this Saturday!!!


  1. Joey,
    That is great news about St Jude. We know that as long as we stay positive, positive things will come. You are a fighter Joey and we know you will fight this disease with everything in you. You have a lot of love from your family and friends if there is anything you or your family needs let us know.The pacemakers gang says Hi and best wishes. They would love to see you out there again!Stay strong and keep us informed on the next steps!Good luck to you and your family!
    The Butchers

  2. Joe- It was great news about your new leg, sounds like this guy knows what he is doing. We are all waiting for the news from St.Judes. Again, we had a very nice day with Pastor Paul and you and Holly and the family. I am looking forward to the next time we can go to church together. We Love You Very Much- Dad and Darla
