Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Out of the hospital and looking forward to this long weekend.

I just got out of the hospital yesterday after a long 5 day chemo. The chemo went great on Monday night they gave me 3 bags of blood so I would be good enough for this great weekend ahead of me. Me and Holly's family will be going camping for the weekend and also be going to this race which is The race for cancer by mount Vernon it should be amazing and me and my family should have a great time I will take pictures and post some after the weekend. Over all i am a little tired but that's expected after chemo but I do feel good. Yesterday when I got home I ordered some chicken wings and it hurt my stomach I should have waited but not eating for 5 days would make anyone hungry but other then that everythings good. I want to also thank everyone for the support and gifts I have received this past week theses gifts will really help me continue my fight and I cant wait to get my new crutches next Friday I am making an appointment to get fitted for them and should have them in time for this summer which should be a great one. So thanks goes out to Norman & Mary Berry, Bob & Linda Knapp, Mike and Rea Jean Hixs, Kim woltz & the kids, And Karen and Tim Heartman and Margert & Mary Wildi, also Rick & Sheri & Erick Shepard. Thanks you all so very much for everything!
Thank you all for the support pray and love you all have shown. Pray I feel good this weekend so I can do some fun events!!

Joe Friend


  1. Glad to hear you are feeling good. Stay well this week and we will see ya saturday. Have fun on your camping trip and congrats on the new crutches.

  2. Joe- can't wait to see you this weekend! I Love You!!!


  3. Joey "Drag Racer" Friend.....
    Can't put into words the feelings I have after entertaining you and your family this past weekend at Pacemaker's Dragway. You were an uplifting inspiration to the entire event and sure hope that you had as much fun as we all did. You are a real trooper and you know you have to keep fighting your disease so that you can use that VIP pass some more this summer. We certainly enjoyed having you and your family there (which are all awesome people) and hope that we will see all of you there again soon. If you need anything at all, don't be afraid to let us know. We will all be thinking about you this next weekend at the track. Take care of yourself and talk to you soon!!
