Thursday, May 14, 2009

Garage sale Rescheduled!!!

The garage sale that we were going to have this weekend the 15th and 16th is going to be rescheduled for June 12th and 13th. We are expecting rain and some other things came up I also would like to be there and since I am in the hospital this weekend we thought it would be better to schedule it for a better time so please come out on June 12th and 13th 10am to 5pm for the garage sale. All the money will go towards the Joseph C. Friend Benefit to help me with medical expenses and new crutches and hopefully help me get a new leg so I can start to wear it again. So mark your calendars for JUNE 12th and 13th!!!!Thank so much. & I am feeling good : )


  1. hi Joe, we will all be there to help!
    you looked great on Mothers day at breakfast!
    So proud of you!! Love Aunt Susie

  2. Joey,
    Glad to see that you are feeling pretty good. Just wanted to drop you a line and let you know that the Butcher family is thinking of you and if you ever need anything get ahold of us. We are very excited to have you visit us at the racetrack next saturday. We have a very fun day planned we hope you enjoy it!!Stay strong buddy you have wonderful family and friends that are supporting you!!

    Butcher Family

  3. Joey:
    My friend, the red carpet is going to be rolled out for you this weekend. Everyone that we have talked to about you being our Grand Marshall of the first ever Super Street Race is very excited to meet you. I absolutely cannot wait to see you and your family roll in in the Racing Limos Dodge Charger. We are going to have you pull right into the staging lanes and right up to the back of the tower. We will take you from the limo upstairs to a patio that overlooks the starting line and you can see all the way down the track and back through the pits. This day will go down in history at Pacemaker's Dragway and I hope we can give you a day that you will remember for a long time to come!!
