Saturday, July 11, 2009


This past week I went back down to St. Jude's and they confirmed that the tumor/thing on my back is NOT cancer this is amazing news for me and my whole family I am a true believer of miracles now and I want to thank everyone for helping me and supporting me and praying for me because I truly believe that it was all the praying that turned it into not being cancer. Thank you GOD! So now I am home i got home Friday morning around 2am and headed to children's that morning to start back on my chemo treatments. The doctors at St. Jude's tells us that the chemo up here is working and that I should finish treatment up here this is amazing and they have also said I do not need surgery that my body will take care of the thing itself. So amazing news and everything is back on track thank you so much ST. JUDE'S!


  1. This is great news Joey, sorry I could not get up here Saturday, would have really liked to see ya. I am glad everything is going good for you.Hope to see ya at the track soon!

  2. Thank You Lord !! This is wonderful news Joe. The power of faith and prayer are greater then anything designed by man. Keep the faith my friend. Please stop by Horton soon and say hello to all your pals. We miss you. Your Buddy and favorite welder fixer guy.

    Chris Brust

  3. I am so happy for you and your family. This is wonderful news. Miracles do happen and you are living proof.
    We hope to see you at the track ASAP.


  4. Joey,
    I am so glad that you gave Mrs.Pratt (Cater) the information to keep up on your progress. I would ask her about you all the time. I read all of your previous posts and the most recent ones. YOu have been in my prayers and I see that all of the support you are getting is paying off. I remember when you were in 4th grade with us at Darby Woods-- you were a "go-getter" then so it doesn't suprise me that you have the determination to beat this thing now. I still use stories of you when I do training with other teachers. YOu were a true joy to have in class! Stay strong.

    Ms. Debbie Perlenfein
